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The Earthly Muse is a collection of knowledge, adventure, comedy, raw life, real challenges, and growth brought together in a way that shares a true American journey.  Whether you learn something here or just find a part of yourself in this, let's make the best of surviving rural Midwest America, one day at a time, together.

My name is Andrea. The Earthly Muse is a collection of experiences that I hope others can use as reference, motivation, and inspiration. It is in short “my life,” which, is not even for a moment dulI. I am an enthusiast of all things good. I love to learn, experiment, and research everything that affects my daily life. Sometimes I have opinions that don’t make sense and my mouth could make a sailor blush. Professionally speaking, I quite my 9 to 5 customer service role to chase my dreams, but my past achievements are very colorful. From an award-winning landscape designer, to law-enforcement, entertainer, and an animal enthusiast - I feel like I have a lot I can share with the world. My true passion is creation. I love taking something, anything, and bringing out it’s beauty for everyone to see. I believe in sustainability through self-sufficiency.

“Give a girl an apple and she’ll have a healthy snack. Teach a girl to stratify the seeds of an apple and she will grow an orchard for all to eat from.”

Most importantly, do everything with love and nothing bad can come of it. When I’m not working or creating I love spending time with my fur babies and family, a good glass of bourbon, or just overall causing a lot of trouble.


I have opened a shop on this page!  You all know how I just want to save the world ❤️🌎! Most things in the shop are "recovered."  Other items are art I have created and would love to share.  I have quit my job for this because it is my dream.  Dreams aren't easy so please support if you can.  Thanks!!! 

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